The stomach is a sac-like organ located in the upper abdomen between the esophagus and small intestine. It is part of the digestive system, functioning in the storage and digestion of food through the secretion of gastric juices. After leaving the stomach, partly-digested food passes into the small intestine and then into the large intestine. The development of stomach cancer, also referred to as gastric cancer, usually occurs as a result of chronic inflammation. This can be due to both external and internal risk factors. Continue reading →
Acute pancreatitis is the term used to describe the sudden onset of inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach which functions in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats by secreting digestive enzymes into the small intestine. The pancreas is also involved in the body’s regulation of glucose metabolism, through the secretion of the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream. The two most common causes of acute pancreatitis are gallstone disease and alcohol use. Other causes include lipid Continue reading →
A quick internet search by anyone interested in receiving the benefits of BOTOX Cosmetic will show countless advertisements offering consumers the opportunity to receive BOTOX injections for as little as $7 per unit. Although your first reaction may be to jump at the opportunity to look younger at such a little cost, experts warn that such promotions are dangerous and should be avoided, as was recently reported in the St. Petersburg Times. In 2009 alone, there were more than 2.5 million injections of BOTOX performed, making it the most Continue reading →
According to many doctors, there really is no correct age for undergoing a rejuvenating surgery like a facelift. While it may seem that only older women are opting for procedures like this, inherited aging tendencies may make you want to schedule surgery before your 50s or 60s. Ultimately, the right time to have a procedure performed is when an area bothers you enough to do something about it and it can realistically be performed. And because younger skin is firmer and less lax, you’ll probably Continue reading →
It’s no secret that cigarette smoking is hazardous to our health. The long-term effects are numerous, causing a wide variety of diseases that ultimately lead to death. Smokers are reminded of this every time they pick up a pack of cigarettes, with the words “SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.” plastered across every pack of cigarettes in the United States. How effective these warnings are in deterring prospective smokers and inspiring current ones to quit is not Continue reading →
Have you ever found yourself afraid to raise your arms in normal situations because others may see your underarm sweat stains? Do you hesitate to buy new clothes because they might be ruined by underarm sweat? Do you constantly worry that someone will notice your sweat stains? Do you find yourself changing clothes frequently, or putting absorbent materials under your clothing to prevent sweat stains from showing? Though most people can control this mild to moderate sweating with over the counter antiperspirants, for some the Continue reading →
We’ve all experienced an intense headache at some point, and know how incapacitating they can be. For 12% of Americans these debilitating headaches which cause severe pulsing or throbbing pain occur on a regular basis, and are better known as Migraine headaches. Migraine headaches, however, are not like your simple headache. They can trigger a wide range of symptoms including nausea/vomiting, fatigue, shoulder/neck pain, and a sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine sufferers usually isolate themselves to a dark and quiet setting until the episode of pain passes, which often can take anywhere Continue reading →
The FDA notified healthcare professionals and patients that it is recommending removing the breast cancer indication for Avastin (bevacizumab) because the drug has not been shown to be safe and effective for that use. The drug itself is not being removed from the market and this action will not have any immediate impact on its use in treating breast cancer. Today’s action will not affect the approvals for colon, kidney, brain, and lung cancers. The FDA is making this recommendation after reviewing the results of Continue reading →
In the late 1980’s the field of surgery took a huge leap forward with the development of Laparoscopic Surgery. Procedures which required 6-inch incisions and stays of multiple days in the hospital, began being performed through three or four tiny incisions no bigger than 1.5 cm. Hospital stays, recovery times, and costs went down dramatically. Today Laparoscopic Surgery has become the mainstay of treatment for many surgical conditions, and surgeons continue to search for ways to make their interventions less invasive while providing greater benefits Continue reading →