We’ve all experienced an intense headache at some point, and know how incapacitating they can be. For 12% of Americans these debilitating headaches which cause severe pulsing or throbbing pain occur on a regular basis, and are better known as Migraine headaches.
Migraine headaches, however, are not like your simple headache. They can trigger a wide range of symptoms including nausea/vomiting, fatigue, shoulder/neck pain, and a sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine sufferers usually isolate themselves to a dark and quiet setting until the episode of pain passes, which often can take anywhere from a few hours to days. Patients often find themselves making lifestyle adjustments, and trying several different prescription medications in order to cope with their migraines.
Just as finding an exact cause for the development of migraines has been a challenge, so has finding an effective treatment. Common medications used in the treatment of migraines include antidepressants, blood-pressure medications and medications that target the brain chemical serotonin, which is involved in regulating mood, satiety and satisfaction. Each of these targets a specific aspect in the suspected cause of migraines, however each also comes with its own set of side effects, and none have been very effective in treating migraine patients. Moreover, while certain medications may be useful to treat an acute episode of a migraine, there is a limitation of effective medical options when it comes to the prophylaxis and prevention of the onset of migraine headaches.
It was by pure accident that the use of Botox was found to be effective in the prevention of migraine headaches. Physicians using Botox on their patients for cosmetic purposes were being told by certain patients that it had also resulted in relief of their migraine symptoms. This led to many case studies over the past seven years which provided evidence that migraines and chronic tension headaches may respond to Botox injections.
The exact mechanism by which Botox prevents headaches is unclear. One theory is that Botox may reduce the perception of pain, which means sufferers become less sensitive to headaches and triggers overall. Botox also relaxes muscles and reduces tightness in various areas, therefore reducing patients’ sensitivity in potential trigger points. If migraine sufferers receive Botox injections in the muscles that become constricted often, they may reduce the frequency of migraine episodes and related symptoms.
The administration of Botox for the treatment of migraines is technically simple, and usually takes about 10 minutes when done by a qualified physician. Multiple injections are given into seven specific sites around the head and neck. Botox does not cause any serious side effects, and when injected at labeled doses in recommended areas, is expected to produce results lasting up to three months depending on the individual patient.
Since its discovery as a benefit for preventing migraine headaches, many patients have started to prefer Botox injections over conventional prescription drugs because of its apparently high efficacy and remarkable safety. This led to the FDA’s approval of Botox in October, 2010 for treatment of patients with chronic migraines, which is defined as a “distinct and severe neurological disorder characterized by patients who have a history of migraine and suffer from headaches on 15 or more days per month with headaches lasting four hours a day or longer.”
If you or someone you know fall into this category of chronic migraine patients, feel free to contact the office and schedule a consultation to discuss with Dr. Zadeh and see whether Botox is right for you.