Gallbladder Polyps: Are They Cancer and How They are Treated

Gallbladder polyps are growths that stick out from the edge of the inner wall of the gallbladder. Polyps can be cancerous, but they rarely are. Cholesterol polyps are the most common type of gallbladder polyp. These are typically small (less than 1 cm); non-cancerous; and attached to the gallbladder wall by a thin, fragile stalk. Most people usually have multiple polyps inside their gallbladder, although around 20% of people with gallbladder polyps have just one polyp within the gallbladder. Often, gallbladder polyps can become detached from the gallbladder wall and float in the bile much like gallstones.

Cholesterol Polyps Inside Gallbladder

Gallbladder polyps usually do not cause any symptoms. They are often found by chance during routine surgical removal of the gallbladder for gallstone disease, or by imaging studies performed for other reasons. In less common situations gallbladder polyps may be found on an ultrasound study done for symptoms which resemble that of gallstone pain, or biliary colic (pain in the upper right side of the belly starting suddenly, rising in intensity over a 15-minute period, and continuing for one to several hours before slowly disappearing), although the level of pain may not be as intense.

The main factor which determines whether a gallbladder polyp contains cancer is its size. Polyps which are larger than 1cm have an increased risk of being cancerous polyps. Other factors which are associated with a higher risk of cancer within a gallbladder polyp include patient age greater than 60 years, the presence of coexisting gallstones, and single polyps.

If you are experiencing symptoms of gallbladder pain and have both polyps and gallstones present in your gallbladder on ultrasound, then you should undergo an elective surgical removal of your gallbladder. This procedure is called a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. If you have gallbladder polyps without gallstones on your ultrasound then treatment depends on the degree of your symptoms. If your surgeon determines that your symptoms are caused by your gallbladder polyps or if the features of the polyps on ultrasound (especially the size) raise any concern for the possibility of cancer, then surgery to remove your gallbladder may be needed.

Find out more about gallbladder surgery here. Do you have gallbladder polyps? Have you had surgery to remove your gallbladder? We’d love to hear from you. Share your experiences with us by posting a comment.

135 thoughts on “Gallbladder Polyps: Are They Cancer and How They are Treated

  • Jester Yutiga

    Hello Doc, I have a question I have polyp seen on year of 2012 3 polyps bigger size of 3mm and in this year i take ultrasound again the result is multiple small polyp but the Dr not mention the size just say small,,my question is ,,my polyp is not danger or malignant?
    No need to remove?

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Jester. If the polyps are smaller than 1cm then they are most likely benign and do not require surgical removal. If they are bigger than 1cm, or if you are having symptoms of pain and discomfort then it would be best to have your gallbladder removed. Hope this helps.

      • Rob c

        Doctor, it’s very kind of you to take the time to answer people’s questions.
        I am a 46 year old male who was diagnosed about 10 years ago with numerous (25+) gallbladder polyps. It was an incidental finding. The largest was always reported at either 7 or 8mm with annual ultrasounds. I recently switched to a new lab where the largest was reported as 9.4mm. I am asymptomatic and the reports have always stated normal findings outside of the polyps. Is a 1 or 1.5mm variation possibly within the margin of error in that I switched labs?
        Considering removing the gallbladder.
        Thank you kindly
        Email :

        • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

          Hi Rob. Yes, it is possible that small differences in size be due to technical variations in the way the ultrasound was performed. Gallbladder cancer can be very aggressive. The fact that you have lived with these for 10 years probably means they are benign. However, I would recommend you have an in-person consultation and evaluation with a board certified general surgeon who can perform a complete history and physical for you and go over your options. Hope this helps.

          • Usha Giridhar

            Hello Doctor,

            I am 36 year old female. One year before diagnosed with multiple polyps and the biggest size was 10 mm. And after nine months the biggest polyp size is 3*5 mm. I don’t feel any pain yet. Sometimes I feel nausea and I vomited once recently. So please guide me what I have to do?

          • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

            Your nausea and vomiting may be unrelated to your gallbladder polyps. I recommend you see a board certified general surgeon for an in-person consultation. Best wishes.

        • Rob

          I have read that having a cholecytectomy can increase the chance of some GI cancers due to the effect of constant bile being present (as opposed to being stored and released as needed). What are your thoughts on this?
          Thank you

  • Kirst

    Hello. I have cholesysectomy scheduled for next week.

    I have one 5mm polyp and one 11 x 12 mm polyp attached to the gall bladder wall.

    I snuck a peek at the doctors computer and the report said “cannot confidently conclude cholesterol polyps, tumor appears to be adenocarcinoma.”

    Can the sonographer accurately predict what it is on ultrasound? Is there still a chance they could be benign?

    Ive had a lot of lethargy and nausea. Not much pain. Some bloating.

    Im 30 and female, non smoker and reasonably healthy.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello and thanks for your comment. The only way to know for sure whether the polyp in your gallbladder is cancerous or benign is to have a pathologist examine it under a microscope after it has been removed. Usually, polyps larger than 10mm carry an increased risk of cancer, but still could be benign. You are doing the right thing by having a cholecystectomy. Best of luck on your surgery!

  • Dennis

    Hello Doc, I would like to ask you I had a ultrasound. The result was the gallbladder is normal in volume . Wall is not thickened. Several wall adherent medium level echoes are noted within the gallbladder with size ranging from 0.32cm and 0.50cm. Common bile duct measure is 0.29cm
    And impression was gallbladder polyp versus cholesterolisis. And I feel pain in right side of my ribs and feeling nauseous sometimes I vomit. Do I need to go for a surgery?
    Thank you.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Dennis. Sometimes gallbladder polyps can break away from the gallbladder wall and cause symptoms similar to gallstones (right sided pain, nausea, etc.). If other medical causes of your symptoms have been ruled out (gastritis, reflux, ulcer, etc.) then you may experience a benefit from removing your gallbladder with surgery. I suggest you see a general surgeon in consultation for an in-person evaluation. Hope this helps.

  • ilham

    Hello Doc, Iwould like to ask you. I had ultrasound yesterday and they found a polyp in gallbladder. The size of polyp is smaller than 1cm, it’s 5mm and I have also H Pylori in my stomach. Sometimes i feel the pain in my gallbladder. The doctor said that this is the gastric pain comes from stomach, it’s not polyp pain. The question is can polyp cause pains in gallbladder? And do I have to undergo surgical removal of gallbladder?
    Thank you!

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Ilham. Sometimes gallbladder polyps can break away from the gallbladder wall and cause symptoms similar to gallstones (right sided pain, nausea, etc.). Since you have a known history of H.Pylori, it is more likely that the stomach ulcer is the cause of your pain. I would make sure you get treated for your H.Pylori. If after your H.Pylori is treated and you are still having the pain you describe then you may want to explore having your gallbladder surgically removed to see if it helps. Hope this helps answer your question.

  • kamran

    He Doctor,
    I have to go before 4 months to a Lab for ultrasound there i found 3 polyps with the sizes of 4.1mm. Now after 4months i go to again for ultrasound after 4months then they found 3.5mm and 2 polyps. Is it possible it will be resolved after some time and what will be treatment in future for this condition. Is it surgical removal option i hve????

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello Kamran and thanks for your question. Usually when the polyps are smaller than 1cm then they are most likely benign and do not require surgical removal. One option is to continue monitoring them using Ultrasound. If they are bigger than 1cm, or if you are having symptoms of pain and discomfort then it would be best to have your gallbladder removed. It would be a good idea to see a general surgeon in your area for consultation for further advice. Best of luck.

      • kamran

        Hello Doctor,

        Hope you will be fine,

        I was discuss you about my polyps before 5-6 months and then wil get a best opinion

        One thing want to discuss i again go to same lab after 5-6 months for repeat ultrasound and now polyp size is 5mm before 5-6 month polyp size was 4.1mm.

        Ultrasound doctor was saying its benign and 1mm difference maybe for Gas in Abdoman.

        Please suggest me 1mm difference is considerable and what u suggest?



  • Patrick

    Hello Dr Zedah, following ultrasound 2 months ago, I was diagnosed with 2 small polyps, largest 7mm. My age 62. Male sibling (58 year old) recently died of secondary liver cancer with a primary in the gallbladder. The proposed course of action is to monitor. what time frame do you believe is appropriate between ultrasounds in this situation.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Patrick. This would of course depend on the recommendations of your primary care physician who is aware of your full medical history. For my patients in situations similar to yours I would repeat an ultrasound 6 months after the date of the first one. If the polyps increase in size then I would recommend removing the gallbladder. If they stay the same size then a repeat ultrasound can be done in a year. You need to be closely monitored because of your family history of gallbladder cancer. Hope this helps.

  • priti

    Hi Doctor..My husband has been diagnosed with multiple gallstones and a 0.8cm polyp. His report shows is gallbladder wall is in normal wall thickness. His common bile duct and portal vein are normal size. I am just worried of the coexistence of both gallstone and polyp. Can you please advice? His doctor advised that no surgery is required as it is just a benign.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello Priti. Your doctor is right that a 0.8cm polyp is most likely benign. Many people have both polyps and gallstones. If he has multiple gallstones I would recommend surgery to remove the gallbladder so that he will not have any problems of gallstone disease in the future. Best wishes.

  • wavey

    Hi Doctor,
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 3A, grade 3 her+, estrgoen positive two years ago and had successful but long treatment for it. A year into the treatment I developed upper right abdomen pain -last week i had an ultrascan and it revealed a single polyp less then 1cm. no gallstones. can the polyp be related to breast cancer in any way or is just a coincidence?. my doctor is going to refer me to surgeon for a consultation but feels no further course of action is probably necessary as the polyp is not cancerous the ultra scan says. I still experience periodic episodes of upper right quadrant pain which can disturb my sleep but in all honesty am not in agony, it causes discomfort and doesn’t seem to be going away.. Can polyps dissolve or disappear?

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Congrats on winning your battle against breast cancer! More than likely the polyp is just a coincidence and not related to your breast cancer. Polyps don’t usually disappear, but fragments of it can break off and cause right upper abdominal pain. You are doing the right thing by seeing a surgeon in consultation. You may need further work up to determine if something else may be causing your pain. Best of luck!

  • Rose Hanbridge

    Hello Doctor, I recently had my second baby. I am 39 yo. I recently was diagnosed with a single polyp measuring 5.2mm and a single gallstone measuring 4.5mm. My GI specialist suggests yearly monitoring at this stage and I have two young children and lifting would be restricted after surgery for a month. I have been told polyps if they do grow only do so very slowly and that it is safe to monitor. What do you suggest? Thank you for your time

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello Rose, thanks for your question. I would recommend a formal, in-person consultation with a general surgeon who can outline an appropriate treatment plan for you. In general, polyps smaller than 1 cm carry little risk of cancer. If you are having symptoms then it’s best to get the gallbladder taken out. Especially if you plan on having more children. The last thing you want is for your gallstone to cause problems during your pregnancy. Hope this helps answer your question.

  • Joviel Frann Ciudad Saylon

    Hello doctor,
    Last february 3, 2016 i had a epigastric pain with a pain scale of 8/10… When i rushed to emergency dept. The doctor advised me to undergo abdominal ultrasound.. After the procedure they found a 2 small gall bladder polyps with a size of 3.4mm. The doctor advised me to repeat the ultrasound after 6months. But the problem was… After 2month..This april 3,2016 i feel discomfort in my right upper abdominal area.. The doctor ordered again a abdominal ultrasound and the result was gall bladder polyps the largest one is 5.9mm.
    The staff who does my ultrasound approach me during the procedure. She told me that they cannot find the another polyps because according to my old ultrasound there are 2 polyps seen. But they found only one with a 5.9mm in size.
    My question are:

    1. Is it possible that the 2 polyps combined with each other thats why from 3.4mm the size now is 5.9mm? it safe if i will repeat my ultrasound after 6months eventhough my polyps are now 5.9mm?
    3. Do i have a special diet that can help to stop the increasing the size of my polyps?

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Ultrasound is very dependent on the technician doing the procedure. It is likely that the two polyps are close together and on the specific views the technician got they look combined. Either way, 5.9mm is still small and a repeat ultrasound in 6 months is a good idea. I would recommend you see a surgeon to both review the ultrasound and work up any other possible causes of your epigastric pain. Best wishes.

  • kamran

    Hello Doctor,

    Hope you will be fine,

    I was discuss you about my polyps before 5-6 months and then wil get a best opinion

    One thing want to discuss i again go to same lab after 5-6 months for repeat ultrasound and now polyp size is 5mm before 5-6 month polyp size was 4.1mm.

    Ultrasound doctor was saying its benign and 1mm difference maybe for Gas in Abdoman.

    Please suggest me 1mm difference is considerable and what u suggest?



    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello. A 1mm difference would not be significant if the polyp is less than 10mm. If you are not having symptoms then it would be safe to observe. You should have a surgeon follow you.

      • kamran

        Hello Dr,

        I was just waiting for your reply

        Please give me as soon as possible



  • kamran

    Thanks Doctor for the answer.

    Doctor it is must we have to follow it I mean i get these polyps accidentally and have no symptoms. I have met to surgeons some r saying remove gallbladder and some r saying dont need to remove. some r saying dont need to follow up and forget it. i m 34 years old here in pakistan experienced surgeon were saying when u will be at 45 years then do a ultrasound repeat till 45 years dont need to ultrasound and forget it.

    Please tell me your opinion its must i will do ultrasound every six month because between in 9 month my polyps size change 1mm and now i have 3 polyps 2 r small and 1 have 5mm size.

    Please tell if i forget it and when i got symptoms or when i will reach 45 years then i wil repeat ultrasound ?

    Thanks doctor

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      This should be something that should be discussed with your personal surgeon. Generally speaking, if a polyp has remained stable in size after a 6 month follow up the chances of it significantly increasing in size is low. A repeat ultrasound at 1 year can be done, and if it still stays the same size then further follow up may not be necessary. Discuss this with your surgeon.

  • christine

    Hello doctor I have had polyps taken from my bowel over 5 years I’ve been having cameras to check if the small ones they did not remove have got any bigger. Now I am past 60 I don’t have the cameras s now just have to send a sample of my stools every 2 year’s. I still have polyps in my bowel. I have just had an US scan and there is a poLyp in my gallbladder. I don’t want any more cameras or scans would they take my gallbladder out if I asked them to. I am swelled up all the time and the pain in my abdomen and back is bad. I spend as much time keep going back to bed through pain and nausea. Christine williams

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Christine. I would suggest seeing a surgeon for an in-person examination and determination of an appropriate plan if you haven’t seen one already. The polyps in your bowel are unrelated to the polyp in your gallbladder. The symptoms you describe can be related to gallbladder disease. If it is suspected that this is the case, then your gallbladder can be taken out. Hope this helps.

  • NNguyen

    Hello Doctor,
    I have constant body itching, birping, H. Pylory and 3 mm gallbladder polyps. Should I be concern that it is good chance for gallbladder cancer?

  • Faizan

    I m Faizan from Pakistan. i have minor right side pain and doctor suggested ultrasound and found multiple polyps largest one 8.0 mm. i met two surgeon and they suggest to remove gallbladder. i removed it and in biopsy report i found there is no polyp. Biopsy report shows Tranmural fibrosis, musle hypertrophy, chronic inflammation and rocky sinus and 0.5 cm hard nodule in cystic duct.

  • kelly

    hi doctor,
    I have been diagnosed with small several gallbladder polyps with a large 10mm one, i am 35 years of age, No gallstones found, what are the chances of this larger one being cancer? thanks in advance

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Kelly. Polyps larger than 10mm carry an increased risk of cancer. Though the likelihood of this being cancer is still low, I would recommend an evaluation by a general surgeon for possible gallbladder removal. Best wishes.

  • Amanda Beetridge

    I have recently been diagnosed with a 7mm polyp on my gallbladder.
    I had an ultrasound due to bloating and bowel trouble for over the past 6 months. I also get the obligatory pain in my right side. My doctor said she is going to send the results to the team that deal with that area but I have little to worry about. I am more concerned that I have frequent nausea diarrhea and abdominal bloating. Could this be related to the polyp?

    Many thanks

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      It’s unlikely it’s related to a single polyp. If your ultrasound does not show gallstones then you may want to discuss getting a HIDA scan which will evaluate the function of the gallbladder. Discuss this with your primary care physician or a general surgeon in your area. Best wishes.

  • paul

    hi doc, my question is i was just told that i have a 11mm polyp in my GB. I am not feeling any discomfort but I’m worried about being cancerous. I have to wait another 6 weeks before i get to see a specialist. Should i be worried about the wait? I am more worried that if i wait any longer, it might get worse. thank you.

      • paul

        thanks Doc. I will be having my gallbladder removed in a week. I was told that the polyps and that one polyp that was around 11mm was the same size 7-8 months ago. I was given an option of waiting to see if there will be changes in another 6 months but i opted to get it removed. What’s the chances of it being cancerous or spreading?

  • Nyalkhum jugli

    I sonugraph yesterday me two polyps seen in GB wall and measure 0.40 ×0.50cm and 0.46 × 0.61 cm that is I need to surgery and danger for me.
    Please Ans me soon
    Thank you.

  • Nyalkhum jugli

    I’m 22year old my pain is GB polyps Dr.said that is normal, sonugraph report are two polyps GB seen in GB wall and measure 0.40×0.50cm and 0.46 ×0.60cm such as better for me.
    Please Ans:- …………..
    Thank you

  • kamran

    Hello Dr

    Please tell me cancer chances is high if polyp should be above 1cm in size, but if the size is 5mm and have 3 polyps the others are 2mm so its a dangerous. what is that multiple polyps because i read in widi pedia about gallbladder plolyps that if anyone have several polyps and age will be 50+ then gallbladder may be surgical remove.

    Please explain about several polyps in gallbladder, is it danderous if anyone have several polyps?


    • kamran

      Is it dangerous if anyone have 3 polyps or i just see if the size will increase or will be above 1cm?

      • Econ Nogoc

        hello doc.. i would like to know about gallblader polyps the largest size is 0.8cm.. and the doctor said want me to undergo for a operation.. is this major problem doc? im not good for english i hope you understand.

  • Saptarshi das

    I have a gallbladder polyp (.26cm). I did my last ultrasonography n 2012 August. Can it be a tumour/ cancer? Now I am 28.

  • Naeem

    Hello Doctor,

    In Lab report doctor told to my friend he have several polyps but the big size is 5mm. Can you please tell me what is several polyps. Is it dangerous?


  • Ghulam Murtaza

    gall bladder containing echogenic area adjacent to wall measuring 4.2cm. CBD not dilated.sir what does it mean it is written on my ultrasound report?

  • Felix

    Hello Doctor

    After some research online, I’ve noticed that most people have one to three gallbladder polyps on average.

    What’s the most number of polyps you’ve every heard of or seen?

    Do the number of polyps have any significance?

    I was told today that I have close to 20.

    I was told to see a specialist.

    Thank you.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello Felix. I have seen entire gallbladders filled with polyps. It’s not so much the number that matters as it is the size. I agree with seeing a general surgeon for a proper evaluation. Best wishes.

  • cjay

    hi doc !

    i have a 0.3cm & 0.5cm polyps in my GB. and i feel some pain in different parts of my right abdomen. is it because of my polyps ?

    thanks ! pls ans !

  • Mandy Colson

    Hi I had scan today doc thought I had gallstones but I have several polyps the ultra sound woman said there around 3cm but not to worry as they are fine she has sent report to my doc what will happen next

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      You should meet with your doc and discuss your options. Don’t take the Ultrasound tech’s word for it. If you truly have a polyp that is 3 cm then you should have your gallbladder removed. Have your doc refer you to a surgeon for an evaluation. Best wishes.

  • Brian

    Hi Doc, I have a polyp which is 1cm (it grew from 0.9cm since my last scan in February). I have been put on a waiting list to have my gallbladder taken out. My question is why can’t a Dr. tell if a polyp is malignant before they take it out? Is there no scan or test for it?

  • Faizan

    some people scared with gallbladder polyps because internet material shows that Polyps may turn into cancer so many people scared even size is too less. But after surgery pathology report shows no polyp and just “Chronic cholecystitis” as final diagnosis. In my case i have multiple polyps largest size 8mm but pathology report showed just “Chronic cholecystitis”. So please give your thought

  • Souvik

    I am 28 years old male. I have been suffering from loose motion frequently (Often after having a rich meal like in a restaurant) for the last few years. Recent USG report says: “Two 4 X 3 mm ucosal polyp noted at the neck of gall bladder and a 3 X 2 mm polyp at fundic wall. No intraluminal pathology (mass/calculi) could be detected, Sonographic Murphy’s sign is negative”. Does this require operation? If yes, when? Is laparoscopic surgery viable in my case? The referring doctor is on leave now and he asked me to contact 10 days later when he returns. He suggested operation before going without having a look at the plate. He also told me to avoid ‘rich foods’.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Souvik. Polyps located at the neck of the gallbladder can sometimes cause blockage leading to the symptoms you describe. I would recommend you see a general surgeon for possible removal. Laparoscopic surgery can definitely be done in your case. Best wishes.

      • salman

        I have a multistone in gladebladder 10mm 11mm and 12mm its nessesery to remove gladblader if i am not removing its creating some problem or what plz suggestion me i am from kashmir india my age is 23 male.

        • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

          If you have symptoms because of your gallstones then it is recommended to have the gallbladder removed. The risks of not having surgery are the possibilities of worsening symptoms, infection and gangrene of the gallbladder. Best wishes.

  • Berna

    Dr I had my gallbladder removed because of a1.3cm polyp. It was filled with fluid is that normal or what can that mean?

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      The gallbladder was filled with fluid, or the polyp was filled with fluid? I would recommend you go over your official pathology report with your physician for clarification. Best wishes.

  • Elaine May

    Hello Doc. I am Elaine May Gutierrez, 17 years of age. Just before September, 2016 ends, I had black vomits 3 times in a day then fresh blood on the next two days. I was advised to have an ultrasound. Unintentionally, they found out I have 2 gallbladder polypoid echogenic lesion attached to the inner bladder. The larger measurement .6 x .5 cm (LxAP). I got admitted but the focus is on my black and fresh blood vomits I undergone esophagogastroduodenoscopy. So it was said it was gastritis.
    Doc, is there a possibility that gallstone is mistaken to be gallbladder polyps?
    With that larger measurement, do I have to undergo surgery?
    I am having right abdominal pain my mom said, maybe it’s the polyps.
    I’ll appreciate your response Dr.

  • Ahmed

    good morning Dr.Zadeh, during a ultrasound, I was found to have a single 6mm polyp in gall bladder. My question is can polyps shrink and disappear over time. I am scheduled to do US after 3 months. I am trying to reduce my cholesterol levels with the hope that the polyp will shrink. Your experience on this will be appreciated

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Ahmed. Gallbladder polyps do not shrink and disappear on their own over time. However, they can occasionally break off from the gallbladder wall and pass through your system. If your polyp remains less than 1cm and you are not having any symptoms then generally is can be observed without surgery. Each case is different and I would recommend a consultation with a general surgeon for an in-person evaluation and exam. Best wishes.

      • kamranfaryad

        Hello Ahmed,

        I just read your problem i am kamran i have also discussed here to Dr Zadeh. Please tell me are you from pakistan because i am from pakistan can i get your email address where i can discussed about it.

        I have also Gallbladder polyps



  • Debbie

    I had an ultrasound 8/15 which discovered a 6mm polyp….on 6/16 a CT scan and polyp was same sz 6mm. On 10/28/16 I had another ultrasound & the polyp is now 1cm. In 4 months it grew .4mm. Is that rare? I do have an appt set up with a surgeon next week.

  • Debbie

    Hi, I have a 1 cm gallbladder polyp, nonmobile extending from the poster wall of the GB. It was .6 mm June/2016 and is now 1cm as of Oct/2016….4 months it rapidly grew. Is that common? I am seeing a surgeon next week.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Debbie. Ultrasound is very technician dependent. It is rare for it to grow that fast. It’s more common that the measurements and images by the technicians vary. At 1cm in size I would recommend having the gallbladder removed. Especially if you are having symptoms. Best wishes.

  • Mandi C

    I have been diagnosed with a 7mm polyp in my gallbladder. I experience pain almost every day after eating (at this point it doesn’t even matter what it is).
    I have had an ultrasound done, been to a GI and have made a trip to the emergency room because of the pain and I have HIDA scan scheduled as well. I feel like I have been getting the runaround from every doctor I have been to.
    Would recommend having my gallbladder removed? At this point I feel like that is the only way to alleviate my pain. I am tired of being in pain!! this has been going on for almost a month now.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Sorry to hear about your pain. I don’t think it is so much your polyp that is causing your pain as it is the possibility that you may have gallbladder dysfunction. A HIDA scan with CCK is definitely a good idea. If it comes back abnormal then I would recommend having your gallbladder removed. Other options to consider would be upper GI endoscopy to evaluate for gastritis, reflux or ulcers. I’d recommend a consultation with a general surgeon who can help guide you.

  • Yee

    hi dr! i had been suffering from constant burping after meal and passing of gas when i wake up every morning. It gotten more severe the last 2 months and I did an upper endoscope and ultrasound scan last week. the gastroenterologist (private hospital) i met found my stomach and duodenum normal from the upper endoscope test but was concluded positive for h.pylori infection. she prescribed klacid hp7 and pariet 20mg medication for me. however, she found one 0.7 cm polyp in gallblader and two mobile gallstones measuring about 0.4 cm each through the ultrasound scan. i was then suggested to do a gallblader removal surgery soonest. do you think i should actually do it considering i am still relatively young (about 31 years old)? appreciate an independent view from yourself. I am really torn on the decision because i am having conflicting feedback from the people i know.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Yee. It’s possible that the gallstones are contributing to your symptoms. At a young age it’s possible that you may have problems with your gallbladder in the future. If you were my patient I would advise surgery to remove the gallbladder. I would recommend seeing a general surgeon in your area for an in-person consultation and evaluation. Best wishes.

  • Roxanne

    Hi Doc. If it is not too much to ask, can i know the pathophysiology about gallbladder polyps? I am a nursing student and i was assigned to a ptient with multiple gallbladder polyps and already undergone to a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. My problem is i am terribly in need to know the pathophysiology tree about gallbladder polyps for school requirement purposes. Thank you so much doc!

  • Adam

    Hello Doctor,

    It is amazing how helpful you have been with everyone here. Thank you so much. I recently was diagnosed via ultrasound with 3 polyps, ranging in size between 7 and 9 mm. 9 mm is super close to 1 cm, and I have read that there are some issues of reliability of sizing with ultrasound, and it is often underestimated. I also had a CT scan just 6 weeks ago for kidney stones, which also looked at all my other abdominal functions and made no mention of polyps. I have two questions. Is 9 mm close enough to 1 cm to be cause for concern, and is there a chance that polyps could grow that quickly and aggressively within 6 weeks time? Or were they likely just missed on the CT scan?

    Can you also please tell me how much the likelihood of polyps being malignant increases when they are more than 10 mm?

    i am 33 years old, and mostly feel okay in that area, though occasionally get the briefest of pain/sharpness in my upper right abdomen. By pain I mean something that probably lasts less than 1 second, and is infrequent and is noticed but doesn’t really cause a reaction from me beyond mental.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Adam. Thank you for your kind words. You’re right that their can be reliability issues with sizing of polyps using ultrasound. They can be either underestimated or overestimated. Polyps and tiny gallstones are usually too small to be detected by CT Scan. Ultrasound remains the best study to evaluate them. They are usually slow growing. Your options would be to continue to follow them with ultrasound, or get your gallbladder taken out if you are having symptoms. I would recommend a consultation with a board certified general surgeon who can evaluate you in person and recommend the best course of action. Hope this helps!

  • Vijayalakshmi S

    hlo doctor,
    i recently was diagnosed via ultrasongraphy of abdomen resulting with one tiny polyp ranging upto 3.4mm.I am 40 years old.i occasionly get pain in my whole of the upper part of the abdomen.i was suggested to do a gall bladder polyp removal kindly please advise me for my further future steps doctor.

  • max

    Good day doctor, i just want to ask, what if in ultrasound it shows several hypoechoic density with the largest of 7mm, does this require my gallbladder to be removed?..

  • max

    What if after cholesystectomy the tests shows that the polyp found is malignant?.. Is there follow up test to do or they were already totally removed the cancer by the performed surgery?..

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Max. Usually polyps greater than 1cm carry an increased risk of being malignant. In these situations the gallbladder should be surgically removed. If the polyp is found to be malignant then further treatment would depend on the depth of invasion. Best wishes.

  • Puneet Taneja

    I have been diagnosed about 2 years back, multiple small polyps ( about 15 to 20), size ranging from 3mm to 5mm. Recent ultrasound done reveals that couple of them are 4mm to 6mm. The ultrasound tech was also not sure – he said that these small growths, and the angle in which they are visible can cause this growth of 2mm – or maybe there was an error of +/- 2mm either ways,
    Now with this confusion – should we continue to wait ? or get it removed by laproscopic surgery and get over it. If I do visit a gastro, he will ofcourse want to operate upon 😉

    What exactly are the symptoms for polyps ? I see no pain – just feel something pressing down from inside the right rib cage when I bend down. No pain, just a small discomfort – the moment I stand up, or change my posture it becomes OK.

    FYI, I am 33 year old, male, non smoker.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Puneet. Polyps can cause symptoms when they break off from the gallbladder wall. The symptoms are usually intermittent right upper abdominal pain. If you are not having significant discomfort then the polyps can be followed by ultrasound. Any polyp 1cm and larger needs surgery to remove the gallbladder. Best wishes.

  • Rohit

    I have multiple gallbladder polyps with the largest one growing from 6mm to 8mm in 10 months.

    Question: do cholesterol polyps grow in size or does it mean its a tumor, given that it grew in size?

  • kashif baig

    hello ,
    I have two gallbladder polyps with the largest one growing 5.6 mm. i feel not any pain aor other problem,,
    please advise me ,,, can i operate it or not,,,
    i shall be very thankful to you.

  • max

    Doctor my gallbladder polyp size increases by 1mm in 4months, from 7mm it is now 8mm, does it mean it could be malignant?

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Not necessarily. Small differences in size can also be due to technical differences when performing the ultrasound. I would recommend you see a board certified general surgeon for an in-person consultation and evaluation. Best wishes.

  • Lea

    Hello Doctor. My name is Lea I am 20 years old. I recently was diagnosed via ultrasound with polyp. My ultrasound result is “The gallbladder is not distended measuring 4.4 x 2.3 cm. There are a few medium level echoes seen attached to its non thickened wall, the largest measuring 0.56cm with normal wall thickness. No pericholecystico or gallstone seen. The proximal common bile duct measures 0.56cm. Its distal portion cannot be visualized. I want to ask if is this already cancerous? The surgeon adviced me to surgery but I am afraid since I am too young. Is there any treatment to removed this polyp? Is my polyp is large? Hope you can help me doc.

    • Lea

      I experience pain everyday. Last time I loosen my appetite and experiencing nausea. But right now I dont feel the same I only experiencing pain on my upper right side.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hello Lea. Usually, polyps that are larger than 1 centimeter carry an increased risk of being cancerous. However, that doesn’t mean that all polyps larger than 1 centimeter are cancer. The only way to remove polyps from the gallbladder is to have the gallbladder surgically removed. You can always see another surgeon for a second opinion. Best wishes.


    Hello Doctor,
    I’m Kirubhakar,27 years old,Recently when i do full body checkup through blood test i found my SGPT value is 43.9 so i did USG Scan and they informed that i have THREE POLYPS in my Gallbladder..i do’nt have any symptoms neither abdomen pain..
    Polyps Size are 6.8mm, 5.6mm & 4.0mm
    When i consult with one of the doc, he asked us to do surgery its dangerous if polyps are greater than 5 mm and it may lead to i need to remove gallbladder..Please advise me doctor..

  • John Markle

    Hi Dr. Zadeh,

    Thank you in advance for your guidance. My name is Johh and I am 43 yrs old. I have just received ultrasound results that indicate a 5mm Polyp and no stone. I have been having pain for about 3 weeks, the pain comes and goes in bouts, a bout could last 4hrs to a full day, and then subside for a day or so. I do not eat fatty foods, and there is not a complete correlation with eating and then getting pain. I commute long distances and when sitting in a crouched position, it seems to agitate and bring on symptoms. Also went for a long walk with my wife a few days ago and it seemed to agitate the situation.

    Q1: Does it make sense that movement would bring on the symptoms?

    The pain I have is a burning pain in the right quadrant below rib, pain can move to back in same area, and I do have pain at times in the right shoulder blade.

    When I was told no stones and just polyp I was curious as to how I would have the symptoms. You mention in responses below that the polyp could break off and essentially act like a stone, or it could be in a position to cause blockage.

    Q2: Does the breaking off of polyp happen often?

    My GP is recommending I go see a GI Specialist, it may be a week or so until I can get in.

    Q3: Since I am having pain, is there any possibility the pain would go away, if it is indeed a polyp

    Q4: I have read in another article, that having a single polyp increases chances of it being cancerous, my assumption is that this is only if the polyp is greater than 10mm, can you please confirm?

    Q5: If I were your patient, would you recommend surgery? Based on the readings above, the fact that I am having pain, this would lean towards removal. Just trying to get an unofficial opinion for now. I will follow up with GI specialist.

    Q6: In my case, do you think it is advisable to get multiple opinions on how to treat this condition.

    Q7; Also, I have acoustic neuroma, and 3 liver hemangiomas (2 or which have just been discovered recently) – My assumption is that none of this is related. But very interesting that I have so many benign tumors in so many different locations. I suppose I should just consider myself very lucky so far 😉

    Thank you very much!

  • Rachel

    Hello Doctor Z, my name is Rachel. I recently went into my PCP after experiencing right upper quadrant pain. I had this pain on and off for about 6 months. I am also very bloated, weight gain, gassy, tired and have recently had an experience of feeling like I had the flu. I am 37 year old female, have had surgery for pre-cervical cancer in the past, and cancer runs greatly in my family. I was sent for an ultrasound, and the findings are as follows: multiple 3mm gallbladder polyps with no stones or wall thickening, as well as a circumscribed echogenic mass within the right hepatic lobe near the dome measuring 1.7 X 1.3 X 1.4cm most consistent with an hemangioma. Do you think gallbladder removal would be best in my case?
    Thank you kindly.

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Rachel. Sorry for the late reply. Based on the history you have given even though you don’t have stones you may have dysfunction of your gallbladder. I would recommend you see a board certified surgeon for an in-person consultation and evaluation and further workup if needed. Best wishes.

      • Rachel

        Thank you Doctor. I did go in and have an hida scan and the results were an ejection fraction of 38%. What should be done in this case?
        Thanks again,

  • Anne

    Ultrasound showed multiple polyps in the gallbladder all less then 3mm and no thickening of the wall and no gallstones. Am I correct to think these are more then likely harmless I have no symptoms of something being wrong with the gallbladder the polyps were found by coincidence

    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Anne. Sorry for the late reply. 3mm polyps are most likely benign. In the absence of symptoms they can be followed with ultrasound. Of course, it is advised to see a board certified general surgeon for an in-person evaluation. Best wishes.


    HI Doctor i did ut in 2015 at that i have gallbladder polyps 3 – 5mm Muliple and after that i did ut in apr 2017 it shows 5 – 7mm in size. after concern to doctor they advice to remove is can you please advice whether i need to go for surgery of i can remove it with any other option

  • Kshitij

    I am 25. I have been experiencing dull aches in the upper right abdomen and shoulder area, right hand, below neck for past 7 months. In an Doppler US I recently has it was found that I have two stones (one in right kidney and another in lower Rt ureter) as well as 2 to 3 projections in gallbladder lumen each measuring approximately 2 to 3mm. What should I do? Can this be a sign of emergent Gallbladder Cancer?

  • Usha Giridhar

    Hello Doctor,

    I am 36 year old female. One year before diagnosed with multiple polyps and the biggest size was 10 mm. And after nine months the biggest polyp size is 3*5 mm. I don’t feel any pain yet. Sometimes I feel nausea and I vomited once recently. So please guide me what I have to do?

  • Jasen Galola

    I just want an opinion, last January 2017 during my annual medical exam, the result of my GGT was 305, cholesterol 6.9 and AST 39 so they recommended an ultrasound, it was discovered in UTZ that I have multiple gall bladder polyps that the large one measuring 9x6mm. On May 2017, just recently, I have test again, cholesterol 5.5, GGT 69, ALDL 3.57 and I had CT scan and the result was MULTIPLE SMALL INTRALUMINAL NODULES IN THE GALLBLADDER LARGER ONE MEASURING 4X5MM, NO WALL THICKENING SEEN…

    1. In your opinion do I need to under go for a removal of gallbladder? I am worried because my mother died because of liver cancer and it might be malignant also.
    2. If my gallbladder will be removed what will be the effects in my body, since gallbladder stores bile that metabolizes the fat?
    3. Is it really possible that from UTZ it was 9x6mm and in CT scan became smaller 4x5mm,….


    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Jasen. Smaller polyps can be observed by ultrasound if you are not having any symptoms. Any polyps larger than 10mm carry an increased risk of being cancer. I would recommend you see a board certified surgeon for an in-person consultation and evaluation for definitive treatment recommendations. The gallbladder is a storage organ and people live perfectly normal lives without it. CT Scans are not as sensitive as Ultrasound in determining the presence and size of polyps. Ultrasound can have variability depending on technique. Hope this helps.

      • Rob

        I had my GB removed in May out of an abundance of caution. I had 25-30 polyps with the largest just shy of 10mm. The pathology report indicates only cholesterol polyps were present. I had followed them for 10 years with little growth. For anybody hesitant about the surgery I must say it was fairly easy to deal with. A little pain for a few days (occasional Tylenol for a few days), a little intermittent nausea for a couple weeks. My chief complaint was extreme fatigue for three weeks which seems to be unusual. As of now I wouldn’t even know it’s out. No change it diet or digestion whatsoever and back to normal otherwise.

  • sam bibanco

    Hi Doc, 8 months ago i went to visit my family doctor because my cholesterol level is off the roof (too high) he suggested to do ultra sound, i think to check if my liver is in good condition so he can give specific type of medication to lower my cholesterol level, upon doing the ultra sound they found polyps in my gallbladder. sizes are 12x10x8. after 8 months i went again for ultra sound. size of it did not change and there is no stone. findings says the gb shows multiple foci which appears mobile and most keeping with gb polyps. no billiary distension. i also dont feel any pain or discomfort. my only concern is the size of the biggest polyps (12mm)

    my question are

    1 do i really need to have my gb remove? or should i just monitor it by yearly ultra sound?

    2. will that affect anything if i dont have gb? there a relation with high cholesterol and having polyps in gb? common that polyps in gb turned to be cancerous?

    5. is gb cancer curable?

    thank you and have great day


    • Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Post author

      Hi Sam. Smaller polyps can be observed by ultrasound. Any polyps larger than 10mm carry an increased risk of being cancer. That doesn’t mean that they always are, they’re just higher risk. For this reason I generally recommend gallbladder removal for any polyp larger than 10mm. I would recommend you see a board certified surgeon for an in-person consultation and evaluation for definitive treatment recommendations. The gallbladder is a storage organ and people live perfectly normal lives without it. Early stage gallbladder cancer can be curable with gallbladder removal, whereas later stage gallbladder cancer is much more difficult to treat. Hope this helps.

  • Marisol

    Hi doc i want to ask i had my ultra sound yesterday i had multiple shadow echoes are seen and the largest measuring 2.3 cm last year my ultrasound multiple shadow are seen the largest is 1.92 cm i want to ask if i need an operation?

  • Jonathan

    Hello I have 3 polyp size. 5. 5. 4 I Have a fatty liver I am new to this and very scared my gallbladder is 2mm do you recommend me taking out my gallbladder please help

  • Janet

    I am 62. I have never had gallbladder problems. Recently I had 2 or 3 instances of pain in the gallbladder area.i went to a physician who did extensive blood work and X-rays. He recommended an ultrasound. I waited a month to get it because I had no more symptoms. The ultrasound showed two polyps 7 and 8 mm.
    The dr said if I have no further symptoms to just forget about it but if I have symptoms he will send me to a surgeon. Should I not be followed or checked again even if I don’t have pain? I don’t like the idea of growths inside my gallbladder. I certainly don’t care to undergo unnecessary surgery either. Help!!

  • Nandita

    I am Nandita. recently I came to know that I have adenomyomatosis in my gallbladder by USG. Is it precancerous condition? What to do next?

  • Deepa

    Hello Doctor, today my husband was diagnoised with TWO POLYP noted in the gall bladder measuring 4mm. i am very nervous as my physician hasn’t said anything about given tablet, what is to be done.please give your valuable suggestion.

  • Kamran

    Hello Dr Zadeh… Hope u r doing well…. I am using ultrasound from 2 years with same doctor same clinic every six months i go there and gallbladder polyp size 5mm still there. I have 3 polyps 1 is 5mm and the others are 1mm. I have no pain no any symptoms . Please tell me in future i will check again or not my age is 35?



  • Jay

    Hi Doc, I am a 30 year old male about a year ago I was diagnose with gallbladder polyps with 0.72mm size and fatty liver at the same time. I was over weight that time but I did some workout and diet last February I repeat the test and ultrasound shows that i have no more fatty liver and my gallbladder polys is now 0.69mm which is smaller that It was is that a good sign doctor? What can you say about it? I don’t feel any pain and I feel better than ever. I will appreciate your response. Thanks!

  • Jay

    Hi Doc, I’m a 30 year old male. Last October 2016 I was diagnosed with fatty liver and gallbladder polyps wirth largest size of 0.71 cm I was also overweight during those time so I took some medication for my fatty liver, went on diet and exercise. I lost over 40 lbs after 5 months I repeat the ultrasound and the result was very good no more fatty liver and my largest gallbladder polyps is 0.69 cm May I know doctor if that’s a good sign? Can you tell me doctor if there will be a time that my polyps will be all gone with just diet and exercise? Looking forward for your advice. Thanks!

  • Nihaal

    I had 3 gallstones 4,5,6 mm and a 7mm polyp 8months before no symptoms. Then I took medication under homeopathy and now there is intense pain only when I bend and the pain is in right upper back way below right shoulder. I got scanned again the stones were 7. The pain is still there when I bend. Are gall stones broken due to medicine or it’s some other pain.. I’m 20y old male. Help me

  • Vishal Gurung

    Doctor my mom is 50 and has a polyph in her gallbladder which 4 to 5mm . She is experiencing pain. She has a rheumatic heart and is diabetic. Is it advisable to remove the polyph through surgery??

  • Liz

    Hi Doctor Zadeh. Don’t if you’re still monitoring this site, but thought I’d ask questions anyway. Had single polyp circa 10mm show up on US September last year. Follow up US in Feb this year showed polyp as being 15mm. Referred to local hospital and surgeon referred me for MRI scan. (I also have polycythemia Vera recently diagnosed) This week, having not heard any further from hospital I contacted my gp and he was able to view results of scan. He advised me that he wasn’t a specialist but would tell me what he could. He says MRI shows polyp size as 6mm. Should add I also have haemangiomas on liver which have also been changing. My question is, can a gallbladder polyp shrink?
    Thanks if you find the time to answer. Oh, and should I be worried?

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